Genealogy Resources
Military Related:
Allamakee County Veterans Memorial Dedication, May 29, 2005
Biography of Rueben “Frank” Hager
Civil War Research References
Ex-Soldiers, Sailors and Marines Living in Iowa, 1886
History of the American Legion, 1919-1929
History of the Services of Company B, 27th Iowa Infantry, Samuel Hemenway
Iowa 27th Volunteer Infantry Regiment Company B Enlistment Papers and other related documents
John Stillman’s Tombstone Rediscovered, Oct. 2004
Report of Adjutant General, 1898, 1903, 1905, 1906, 1910, 1912, 1917, 1922
Roll Call books kept by Nicholas Colsch and William Nierling
Roster of Co. I, 1st and 49th Regiments
Roster of Iowa Soldiers (Civil War/Spanish-American War), 5 volumes
The Sunken Road – Shiloh Veterans
The Wall, Sal Lopes
Veterans from the Heartland, Maury Gallagher
Waukon Vets Drill Team, 1980s